The Scale of things

This amazing flash animation will take you from the farthest reaches of the galaxies to down into quantum foam, the theorized fabric of the universe. It includes stops along the way: Central Park, California redwoods, dodo birds, Japanese crabs, Angel Fall, and so much more.

When it comes up, you will have to sit through an ad, but it is well worth it.

No doubt, many of you will recognize that this is reminiscent of classic Powers of 10 Video. I  first saw that when I was a kid and I didn’t flinch that it represented my hometown as the center of the universe. While I no longer live in Chicago, I still see it that way and I love that the video does, as well.

Review: Box Office Poison by Alex Robinson

The first book I picked up at SPX this year was Box Office Poison, because the man staffing the Top Shelf table totally knew how to sell to me. I forgot what he said, I just know that I quickly parted with my cash and resigned myself to toting this massive tome through the tiny, crowded space that somehow becomes more massive as each second goes by for the rest of a long, exhausting, and exciting day.

When I brought it home, it was time for triage: limited time, scads of books, which ones must I read, lest I parish. BOP failed several rounds of triage because the general specs were not looking good: a novel about writers (groan)? Living in New York (double groan)? Trying to make it in this crazy world? Oh, and look on the cover…we get it from the perspective of three men! Fantastic! I’m dying to read about the plight of male writers. Wonder which one of the writers the one hot chick on the cover is sleeping with? I guess I’ll just have to wait six months to find out, because just thinking about it is forcing me to yawn myself to death.

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