Section 1: Goal Description
A.Original Goal Statement
B.2010 Goal Statements-Portfolio 1
C.2011 Goal Statements-Portfolio2
D. Goal Statements-Final Portfolio
E.Representation of conceptual framework
F.Curriculum Vitae
Section 2: Coursework Experiences and Plans
A. Proposed Program of Study (updated for Portfolio 2, unchanged for Final Portfolio)
B. Self-reflective description of previous and current coursework (Updated for Final Portfolio)
C. Unofficial GMU Transcripts, Overview of relevant non-GMU graduate studies, and University of Wisconsin Transcripts
Section 3: Research Experiences and Plans
Research conducted and competencies built
Section 4: Professional Experiences and Plans
Self-reflective description of previous and current teaching/counseling/ leadership activities.
Section 5: Evidence of Analytical and Integrative Thinking
List of course papers, extended literature reviews, theoretical analyses, research and professional publication and evidence of scholarly, analytical, and integrative thinking