A. Important course papers, projects, and exams, with original comments from the course instructor (when available!)
New for Final Portfolio: Overall synthesis
- Project Page for EDIT 772
- Final Paper for EDIT 772
- Ways of Knowing Paper EDUC 800
- Final Paper EDUC 800
- Final Project for EDIT 705
- Final Presentation EDIT 705
- First Paper EDUC 805
- Final Journal Reflection EDUC 805
- Final synthesis EDUC 805
- EDRS 810 Human Subjects IRB
- EDRS 810 Literature Review
- EDRS 797 Mixed Methods Module 1
- EDRS 797 Mixed Methods Module 2
- EDRS 797 Mixed Methods Module 3
- Independent Reading Synthesis
- Presentation at CHED Symposium
- Publication in Cognitive Technology
- NARST 2011 Paper
- 811 Quantitative Analysis Paper
- Final Project from Survey Research
- 821 Advanced Quantitative Analysis Paper
- Leadership Paper: Personal Best Story (Feedback accessed here)
- Leadership Paper: Leadership Case Analysis (Feedback accessed here)
- Leadership Paper:Book Review (Feedback accessed here)
- Analysis of Pre-existing surveys
- TeacherTube Study- Research proposal from Ed Psych 821