Science Game Review: Shape it Up

Several months ago I had been researching geology games to inspire me with some ideas for our upcoming curriculum over we are working on.  Searching for free educational games online is a painful process (but I’m working on it….more on that later) and finding anything interactive was hard enough, much less something I’d call a game.

volcanoRecently, I came across  Shape it Up, which is my favorite geology interactive so far.   Players try to make one landscape look like another by choosing a force of nature (volcano, wind, water, glacier) and choosing a time period.

This is a wonderful game for young kids.  There are several components that I think can be added or modified in order to make the game more sophisticated for middle school kids. Continue reading “Science Game Review: Shape it Up”

Brainstorming about geology

With our energy games mostly planned, I’ve been turning my attention towards thinking about the geology unit we will be starting o n this summer and trying to find some game idea inspirations for that topic.  To do this, I’ve been poking around the web to see what is out there.   Here are a few websites I uncovered in my exploration:

1) Wild, Wild Climate

It isn’t quite geology but it does what I do love about it is its page on “Junk Science Detection” and a great explanation about the role of peer review. There is a real intellectual crisis when it comes to evaluating data, especially scientific data and having it laid out in such a straightforward manner is welcome and necessary.  Too often, we take political opinion as fact.


2) The Interactive RockCycle

I’ve never formally studied geology (along with meteorology it is the only science I’ve really neglected) so I loved how crisp, clear, straightforward and well illustrated this particular interactive was.  It is a very elegant piece.

3) Annenberg Media

Now found at, these are free, on demand, and impeccably produced videos.  I cannot believe how readily accessible these gems are.  I’m using them to get a crash course in geology.

4) School Yard Geology

This project was apparently inspired by a scientist who taught inmates in a California prison field geology.  There are several great ideas for activities, especially for younger grades.

You can see that my approach is to examine a smattering of media.  I need video game ideas, but so far I’ve gotten a lot out of movies, interactives, lesson plans, and presentations.  Merging ideas from all of these helps me eventually hone in on a game idea.  If you have any other geology resources, of know of anything that could make a great geology game, send me a tweet @mchmiel